Sunday 2 December 2012

In Which I Enjoy Sinking to New Depths

One of the things that you might not know about me, but would square with everything that you DO, is that I like participating in flame wars. That's not to say participating in a war where the Americans try and burn down Canada, and instead have the White House and the Capitol Building and the treasury torched by the British. I mean getting involved when someone says something on the internet and then someone violently disagrees with it. The traditional forum for this discourse is Youtube comments, and my somewhat unique style is engaging people in cogent debate whilst being backed up by facts. There are a few scientific laws which the internet adheres to, and on of them is Godwin's Law:

"As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1."

For those of you who are not familiar with this sort of thing, it might take this sort of form: “even tho he isnt doing it th best he cud, Obama is tryng to save the counrty.” “Thats bs obama is hitler.” These are the heights of Elysium of which we can expect discussion to rise. So, I was watching a video of Paul Merton presenting Room 101, a show about celebrities' pet hates that they get to “banish” to the eponymous chamber of hell. Alexei Sayle was the guest for this episode, and one of the things he chose to get rid of was the Cirque Du Soleil, a sort of weird post modern Canadian circus where not a single custard pie is thrown. Please bear in mind that I didn't check back daily to see if someone had replied to my comments, Youtube e-mails me when that happens. With that in mind, I include a transcript of the conversation below:

Anything out of Canada is shit.
Topite 8 months ago

do you like telephones? insulin? electric ovens? or hey if you're a girl the wonderbra is Canadian. Yeh...everything out of Canada is really shit...thank god we have the US eh!
88adamjohn in reply to topite (Show the comment) 5 months ago

Alexander Graham Bell had U.S citizenship as well as Canadian (Scottish too, he was born in Scotland. Most people think of the phone as a Scottish invention, and that even that was stolen off of Elisha Gray, an American) and Canada didn't invent insulin, it's what the body produces and the Wonderbra was trademarked in the States. Come on you Canuck, you can do better than that?
chenkton 4 months ago

You are an illiterate and incorrect in your findings.

Please correct my spelling you pompous jack of nothing because im sure your a troll with no actuall knowledge...
That you can find the time to be so ummm...lets say, "notoriously pathetic pilgrim"- defetes the purpose of any comment you have being held apon this vid...

Go find something informative to spew nonsense at while the rest of us have a laugh.
 Or better yet something simple for you, shut up please you rude under educated wanker.
technicolournaruto in reply to chenkton (Show the comment) 6 hours ago

Deary me. There's you calling me an illiterate, despite being unable to spell defeats, actual, and upon. These are rather basic words that are taught to people who are quite young... Is English your second language? Your punctuation and grammar's a wee bit off too. That I can find the time to write fifty or so words is rather shocking, I must admit, but surely it's even more distressing that you take time out of your busy schedule to do the same? So in conclusion, less hypocrisy please.
chenkton in reply to technicolournaruto (Show the comment)

After this little exchange, technicolournaruto deleted his comments, and most likely felt very bad about himself. Being petty's fun..

Today's Tune

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