I do not understand why when I've been bookending every post here with "Today's Tunes" that I've been giving you links to Youtube. I don't mean to inflict adverts on you, so I'll only use Youtube if I can't find the tune anywhere else or if the video accompanying the song is important. I'll be using Grooveshark to bring you a song that you don't have to sit through thirty seconds of advert crap to get to (note- that was not an advert for Grooveshark).
I do not understand enclaves. Like that bit inside Lithuania and Poland that somehow , despite being 250 or so miles away from it, is part of Russia. It would be like if Westphalia was also part of the United Kingdom.
I do not understand where all the concern about the ozone layer evaporated to- that was massive in the early 90's.
There will be 503 golds given out at the Paralympics this year and 302 were given out at the Olympics. The Paralympics will last for 11 days whereas the Olympics lasted for 18 days. This I do not understand at all.
I do not understand why people think that by adding .com to the end of a state of being makes them sound intelligent or funny (for example- tired.com, chuffedtobits.com or unimaginativetwat-who-really-doesn't-realise-what-they-are-doing-is-advertising-their-level-of-intellect.com/whichisverylowindeed)? Imagine how cheapened the moment would be if Elliot looked over to E.T and said "I'll believe in you all my life, everyday. E.T... I love you... dot com." It would also be a touch anachronistic as well... Putting dot com on the end of a sentence should not be thought to exaggerate the sentiment, like those idiots that misuse literally (it was literally so hot in Madrid that you could have caught fire). I mean, we all know where these people got these bad verbal internet habits from- the idiot box. The flickering lantern, the silver screen, the television. And it's these bloody comparison websites again! They have some sort of stupid jingle to accompany an e-mail address, which, naturally, ends in dot com. But even if we look at the fictitious peckish.com, peckish is only the subject. It doesn't mean that if you add the suffix .com to peckish that you are stating you're 20% more peckish than if you had merely said peckish. Are you with me? Whether you are or not, the point remains. Saying dot com at the end of a sentence means that you have a dearth of imagination or that you're just fuckingstupid.com
Today's Tune
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