Thursday 30 August 2012

In Which I Hate Robert Kilroy-Silk

Today I was going to write an article called "We owe Kilroy nothing- what has Robert Kilroy-Silk ever done for us?", but I think that too many people won't remember him- I'm not entirely sure that I do. Something to do with a hatred of the Arabs, having a spray tan that the cast of The Only Way is Essex (I refuse to use the acronym) would be proud of and a chat show that Jeremy Kyle would be embarrassed of. He is a man who I am ashamed to share a name with. And yet writing about him would be in effect the same as writing about the worrying rise in electronic pets such as the Tamagotchi- it's just not relevant anymore. Instead, I give you this lackadaisically diligently sourced quote from Wikipedia:

"A spokeswoman for Kilroy-Silk told The Observer, "He is not a racist at all - he employs a black driver.""

That ought to say enough about him. But in fact it doesn't. So to make you more familiar with his character, here is footage of his one appearance on Have I Got News for You.

Or there's this clip showing how packed to the rafters his tawdry tabloid talk show was.
They were paid an awful lot of money to be there as well. Nowhere enough, mind.

Or there's some ever so slightly UTTERLY NOT SAFE FOR WORK footage of him going mad in a shopping centre, which, as the internet community is so fond of saying, seems legitimate.

Or there's this quote where he blames every single Arab for one terrorist atrocity: "What do they think we feel about them ? "That we adore them for the way they murdered more than 3,000 civilians on September 11..." I thought that it was 15 Saudis, one Egyptian, one Lebanese and two from the United Arab Emirates myself, but then, what do I know? I don't have a failed chat show or a failed game show or a failed political party  under my belt. I also don't have a love-child who I abandoned before he was born who thinks I am, and I quote, "a dickhead."However, perhaps Mr Kilroy-Silk would like to extend his logic to what he would consider his own people. I'm afraid that if you're reading this and you're European then you shot suspected terrorist but innocent man Jean Charles de Menezes seven times in the head and once in the shoulder. What d'you mean, you didn't? Robert Kilroy-Silk said so, and he's an authority on everything.

Now you might think that it's very lazy to pad out the article with all of this stuff from the internet very noble of me to scour the internet for examples of how unpleasant Kilroy-Silk is, and you'd in fact be wrong, because the internet is overflowing with them. You'd have to go out of your way to find a positive article about him- in fact, you'd probably have to write it then post it online, and then you'd have to kill yourself after thinking about what you've done.

But like I say, I won't write about Kilroy-Silk today. It's all in the past, and I really can't remember what an utterly disgusting orange foetid repugnant bag of sick of a man he is. Ugh.

Today's Tune

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