Wednesday 10 October 2012

In Which I Blog Poorly

Hullo campers, not much to write about today. Just a few snippets... I'm still awaiting 3 test results- they're an accumulated 63 days late, which is nice. By the time the bastards tell me I'm terminal I'll be long dead. I am having to distract myself from this wait for news by continuing this betting malarkey with D.  Remember the Deadliest Warrior thing, with a pound bet on each fight? So far, there have been seven fights, of which I have won six. This is an excellent thing.

Next Friday through to Wednesday I shall be socialising with the bright young things of London. I would therefore be incapable of achieving the heights that I have convinced myself that this blog has been constantly reaching, and as such have decided a sojourn, until Odin's day, is in order. To try and counterbalance that (no promises, mind) I shall try and get some pictures taken of me dressed and made up like a New Romantic. C assures me that she will bring the make up and the "hair-gel-that-you-have-ten-minutes-to-get-the-styling-right-or-else-you'll-have-a-style-you-don't-like-that's-harder-to-remove-than-an-American-from-an-all-you-can-eat-buffet." Actually, tomorrow I should do a proper blog, and so I shall try and measure up the good and bad points of Americans off the top of my head. Mm.

So to start the Friday to Wednesday excursion, I will be watching England take on the best team yet to grace the new Wembley Stadium, the mighty San Marino. This nation is so good at football that they rank only 207 places from the top country, joint with the Turks and Caicos Islands, which I haven't heard of, and Bhutan, which I have. This will be their 112th international match, and in those 111 others they have managed three draws, and a win against Liechtenstein. They currently have 0 points on FIFA's world ranking system, and their population is around 31,000. If I were a country (and syllabically speaking I'm half-way there), I would have a population of one and still be as good at football as San Marino are. If England don't win by at least six I shall have to cut off Roy Hogdson's head with a pair of secateurs and make it look like suicide... But if they do, then I won't. No pressure, Roy.

Today's Tune

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