Sunday 28 October 2012

In Which I Show You Excuses I Made Up Yesterday

Yesterday was the day of The Village Cricket Quiz. Yesterday was the day when I was awoken at half past ungodly hour by N, imploring me to recognise the fact that I am more interesting (or less dull) than those around her. Yesterday was the day in which I could not get to sleep after N's communique due to the environment trying to do its best impression of a hurricane. Yesterday was the day when I walked from the station to C+C's in a typhoon. It was ridiculous, I was walking against the wind and I had to tack from left to right like a sailing ship- one mile became three. Yesterday was the day that I developed mild pneumonia from this Marcel Marceau inspired sponsored swim. Yesterday was the day that when I got to C+C's, I was met with a cloud of narcotics more heady and toxic than if an opium field had spontaneously combusted in his house. Yesterday was the day that I just said no, but unlike the cast of Grange Hill, I did inadvertently inhale a storm cloud's worth of PCP (despite the pneumonia). Yesterday was the day when H designated herself the Writer of the Answers at The Village Cricket Quiz. Yesterday was the day that H didn't actually get any answers right that no one else knew. Yesterday was the day that H actually ended up with negative equity as she overruled three of my answers which turned out to be correct. Yesterday was the day that the quiz masters took out the James Bond Themes round (which I would have aced) because of "technical difficulties".  Yesterday is the day where I spent the last round of the quiz making up excuses for this blog as to why we hadn't won. Yesterday is the day when I did NOT take The Village Cricket Quiz too seriously. Yesterday is the day when we won The Village Cricket Quiz.

Today's Tune

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