Monday 22 October 2012

In Which I Resort to Snippets About Myself

Here's a list of things you might not know about me.

1) As a rule, I like the Dutch.

2) I cry quite easily at films.

3) I cannot chop onions as my eyes react more to them than anyone I've seen. I've heard that you can wear swimming goggles to get around this, but I don't have any because I can't swim. In any case, if I did have them I wouldn't wear them because I wouldn't want to look like some kind of gimp.

4) The reason I hate the television show "Friends" is not so much because of the scenes of self obsessed totally untrustworthy and unrealistic people always sticking together in an inbred group through thick and thick which are so sickly sweet as to give you type 2 diabetes. It was more the fact that I have rarely seen a gulf so wide between how bad a programme is and how popular it has become. Someone familiar with how much the programme annoyed me informed me that Arena magazine had compiled a top 30 list of most pointless stuff ever. The character of Phoebe Buffay came first.

5) I considered trying to cut my hair the other day, because my hairstyle was too long for the fancy dress costume I was in (Goose from Top Gun, since you asked). Chickened out and went to a barber instead.

6) I don't really benefit from horror films as they don't scare me, and I'm not sure if I'd go out of my way to scare myself anyway.

7) I hate theme parks. This is probably because I'm afraid of heights and really don't like rollercoasters. Or big crowds. Or wasps.

8) I think I have laughed harder at (with) friends than anything on television.

9) I think that not enough people cook.

10) I think that not enough people who think they can cook can cook.

11) I despise Halloween, and I suspect I'll devote a blog to it at some point.

12) The worst film I have ever watched at the cinema was Dunston Checks In.

13) The first date I ever went on was to the cinema to see Dunston Checks In.

14) I'm not very good at hiding that I have no idea what to write about.

Today's Tune

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